Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sick Day

We started out our day today the way that I like to start the day during summer vacation, with a walk.  Alexander wanted to go to "The Geese Park", as he calls it, so that was where we headed.  I had forgotten how many hills there are on that route and did not realize that a 30 pound stroller with 50 pounds of kids in it becomes extremely heavy to push up those hills.  However, we made it there and back and I got quite the workout in.  I don't think that we will do that walk by ourselves for awhile though.  I am not in good enough shape.

While we were at the park, Alexander started complaining about his tummy hurting and he didn't want to play at the playground, so we went home.  When we got home, he curled up on the couch and didn't move.  That was when I really realized that something was wrong.  He is always on the move and loves to get into everything.  He spent most of the day on the couch complaining about his stomach and when he tried to walk around, he was all hunched over.  He even fell asleep on his own around noon on the couch, which if you have ever talked to me about naps, you know it is unheard of for this to happen.  He didn't eat anything all day and didn't even ask for his soy.

Here are my two babies napping at the same time. Don't ask about how Julia is sleeping. We lay her down on her back and she immediately flips to her stomach. If we flip her over, she goes right back to her stomach.

This is what I did while they were sleeping.  I got the equivalent of 7 jars of sweet potatoes for $2.00.  It is in the freezer now waiting until next month, when Julia starts eating solids.

Then at dinner, we tried to get him to eat.  That was a bad idea.  He took a few bites.  Then immediately ran to the bucket that I had put in the living room for him and threw up.  No fun for us.  However, he seemed much better after that and I was pretty happy that he had made it to the bucket.  He managed to play for about an hour after that. 

I really want to play Daddy!

Then he ate a small snack and we put him to bed.  He started complaining about his stomach again when I was putting him to bed.  Hopefully, he can sleep through the night without throwing up anymore and will feel better in the morning.  It was a very quiet day at our house and it was not the way that we wanted to start out summer vacation.

Monday, June 18, 2012

We Have a Problem

I went to the eye doctor today for my routine check up today.  I haven't been there in over two years because she won't do eye exams while I'm pregnant.  Since I hadn't been there in awhile, she decided to dilate my eyes.  Because of this, she told me that I would have to pump and dump Julia's next feeding.  I didn't think this would be a problem because Julia takes bottles all day at daycare and we have hundreds of ounces of frozen milk.  I was wrong!

Julia must associate being at home with eating from me.  I always knew that she didn't want to take a bottle from me, but I assumed that she would take one from Nathan.  Wrong again!  She absolutely refused to take the bottle from him.  I finally managed to get her to eat a little less than 2 ounces from the bottle.  After that, she started refusing again.  We decided to just let it go at that and are hoping that it will hold her over until bedtime, when the doctor said that I would be able to feed her again.  As of right now, she seems to be doing all right.  She may decide to go on a hunger strike until I whip out the breast again.

I guess this is a lesson for us. We had better start giving her bottles more often at home so that she gets used to it.  Otherwise, if we have to switch to formula, like we did with Alexander, we may have an even bigger problem.   She may decide to go on a hunger strike until I whip out the breast again.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day weekend.  Nathan and his dad spent the weekend installing a new floor in our bathroom and it looks awesome!  I don't know who thought that bright green tile would be a good idea, but they were wrong.  We finally were able to change it to gray and now our bathroom finally looks finished. 

Once the bathroom was finished, we could really focus on celebrating Father's Day.  We went to breakfast.  Then we went to the farmer's market.  They had some amazing produce there at really good prices.  I decided to buy some to start making baby food.  I don't make all of my own baby food, but I make a lot of the fruit myself.  Theyhad some really yummy peaches for sale, so we bought them and I turned them into baby food this afternoon.  My wonderful husband also came up with the idea to store the baby food in the breastmilk storage bags to freeze it.  It was a great idea!  So now I have 5, four ounce bags of peaches stored in the freezer for when Julia starts eating baby food.  Hopefully I can do a few bags a day.  Then we will have it ready for when she starts to eat food next month.

After the farmer's market, we went to the pool.  At the pool, we realized that Alexander has really learned how to swim.  He was swimming back and forth between Nathan and me in 3 feet of water.  We are so proud of him.

Lastly, we grilled hamburgers for dinner and ate some of the fresh green beans that we bought today.  Yum!

I hope that all the dads out there had a great day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Day of School

This day could not come soon enough.  I love teaching and working with the kids everyday, but I have really been missing spending time with my kids.  Now I get to spend time with them everyday for 9 weeks and we have a lot of things planned to keep up busy.  I signed Alexander and Julia up for the summer reading program through the library, so we will be going there at least once a week.  I also want to take them to a couple of the free programs that the library is offering.  Of course, we will be going to the pool.  We welcome anyone who would like to go with us.  Email me and let me know and we can set it up.  I have a lot more fun with someone else to keep me company.  We are also taking a trip to visit the grandparents.  Then 2 weeks later, we are going to DISNEY!  Alexander is so excited!  I can't wait to see his face when we go on the airplane and then when we arrive at Disney World.  We also have his milk challenge in July.  Hopefully, he will be able to eat dairy products before we leave for our Disney trip.  Then  in August, I signed him up for a week long soccer camp.  It meets everyday from 9 until 10.  It looks like something that he will really enjoy.  Lastly, we will continue our swimming lessons too.  He has made so much progress with his swimming skills.  I can't wait to see how well he swims at the end of the summer.  I have a feeling that this summer is going fly by with all of our activities, but hopefully we will have a great time and I will be ready for school again at the end of August.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our Weekend in Pictures

We had a very busy and fun weekend at our house.  Uncle M. came to visit.  Uncle M. is Nathan's best friend.  They have been friends since elementary school. Then they went to college together too and that is where I met him.  Our friend D, also went to college with all of us, so when Uncle M. is in town, we all do things together.  D has 2 kids like us and her oldest boy is the same age as Alexander.  They are two months apart and they act like brothers.  I love that they are so close!  Here is our weekend in Iphone pictures.
We started Saturday with both kids in our bed together because Alexander wanted to hold Julia.  When I tried to take her away, he said, "No! That's my Julia!"  It was so sweet!
 Then Nathan held Julia for a bit and I had to snap a picture because they were so adorable together.
Then in the afternoon, we took Uncle M to the pool.  Alexander had a great time swimming and trying to get Uncle M. wet. They found a water cannon at the pool and of course had to use it on each other.  Uncle M. is like a big kid.

Later that day, we went to a minor league baseball game with Uncle M. and the B family.  The boys had a great time!

 On Sunday, Uncle M. stayed with the B family, so we spend our day doing errands.  Then in the evening, we went to park to see the geese.  They were following us!  This is great free entertainment.

 We also saw this really cool bird!

 A rare picture of Julia and me.  I love the Ergo!  Look at my hair though.  I barely have any bangs left because so much has fallen out.  I hope that stops soon!

 We had to end our evening on a funny note, with EVIL DAISY!
I hope you had a good weekend too!

Friday, June 8, 2012

FroYo and Vegan Cheese

When Alexander was diagnosed with his milk allergy 2 years ago, we thought that going out for pizza would be a thing of the past.  For a while this was the case.  Then we figured out the he could eat pizza dough with sauce on it, just no cheese.  So he got to eat pizza even if it was a little strange, but we have now found the best pizza restaurant.  Brixx pizza restaurant has offers Vegan cheese at no extra charge.  We know that Alexander can always eat any product that is designated as a Vegan product because they don't use any animal products.  We started going there because of the vegan cheese and now it is one of our favorite restaurants!  Alexander tells everyone that he can't eat regular cheese, but he can eat pizza with vegan cheese, which is really funny when a three year old says it.

Since we're talking about dairy products, I have to say that I am totally addicted to frozen yogurt too.  I have a bit of a dairy problem too.  I can't drink milk and I can't eat ice cream without getting a very bad upset stomach, but I can eat any type of yogurt.  I developed the craving during my pregnancy with Julia and it hasn't gone away.  They put a Sweet Frog frozen yogurt in less than 10 minutes from our house and it is our new favorite place.  They don't have any dairy free options for Alexander, but there is a Starbucks right next door, so he now gets frappacino with soymilk when we go there and he thinks that is pretty special.

So, tonight was a pretty great night.  We went out with our friends and went to Brixx and Sweet Frog.  I don't think it can get much better than that.  Here are a couple of pictures from our evening.
Julia watched us eat.  She can't wait until she can try the food too.

Alexander and his best buddy, with Daddy and his best buddy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm Back

We had a little computer problem this week.  Alexander stepped on my Netbook and it caused the screen to break.  That caused me to freak out because I use my computer all the time.  I use it for the internet and fun things, but I also use it for work.  I do grades on it, lesson plans, my report cards, and many other things.  So, because of this, I put all of my money that I received for mother's day and my birthday toward the purchase of a new laptop and IT CAME TODAY!!!!  I am typing my first blog on it. 

We've had a very busy week too and I couldn't write about it because I didn't have a computer.  At work, my students have done an awesome job on their tests.  I had 100% of my class pass the reading test, which is incredible because 2 of my students were far below grade level at the beginning of the year.

Julia got baptized on Saturday.  She looked like a princess.  I will post pictures on a different post.

Alexander graduated to level 4 at swimming lessons.  We are so proud of him and he is so proud of himself. He loves swimming lessons so much and is so good at it!

Julia has been rolling over more and more.  She loves to lay on her tummy and play with toys.  The only problem with this is that she rolls over in her crib.  Then she gets stuck on her tummy with either her legs or arms stuck in the bars.  This causes her to wake up crying in the middle of the night.  We don't have bumpers in her crib because they are dangerous, but we need something.  We went from sleeping all night to waking up 2 or 3 times a night again.  Are the breathable bumpers safe? Does anyone have a suggestion?

We had a great dinner with friends tonight.  We had a fun time catching up with each other.  Then the boys got to play at our house afterwards.  They had lots of fun together.  I know Alexander had fun because he was worn out and fell asleep quickly tonight.

That's all that I can think of at the moment.  I'm so happy that it is the weekend and we only have 9.5 days of school left!