Julia turned 9 months old on October 24. I waited until this week to write about it because I wanted to have her most recent stats from her doctor appointment. It also has been really crazy around here. I can't believe that she is already 9 months old. When I stop to think about it, I get really sad. I love that she is growing up, she is healthy, and she really is thriving, but I will miss having a small baby around. I am not going to dwell on that though.
Julia is growing so well. She weighed 21 pounds, 4 ounces at her doctor appointment. She is in the 89th percentile for weight. She was 28 1/2 inches long, which is the 78th percentile. She is a lot bigger than her brother was at this age. I have already started shopping for a convertible carseat because she is going to outgrow the length limit of her infant carseat soon.
She is a happy baby. She loves to follow her brother around and is getting into everything. She is pulling up on all of the furniture and walking all along all of the furniture. She is using her baby walker to get around too.
She is eating really well too. She loves to eat her baby food. I make most of the food myself, but feed her store bought food for dinners and when we travel. She still won't eat from a bottle, so we mix breastmilk in with her baby food at daycare. She is still nursing in the morning and at night.
We have been enjoying this time so much. We love this age and how her personality is really starting to come out. Keep growing and doing well little girl! We love you!