We had a busy weekend. Grandma and Pap Pap came to visit this weekend. They helped us so much. They had fun playing with the kids so that I could clean up the house and Grandma helped me clean too. Our house actually looks livable again. Thanks Grandma and Pap Pap! Then on Saturday afternoon, we went into the city to Trucko de Mayo. This was a big food truck event in the parking lot of a stadium. There were 35 food trucks. I wanted to eat something from all of them and it was so hard to choose. We ended up trying things from several different trucks. Alexander ate pulled pork and a hot dog. Then he wanted popcorn and the lady running the popcorn truck was so nice. She made him special popcorn with olive oil and lemon because he can't eat anything that has dairy in it. Nathan and I ended up eating Thai food that was awesome. Then we went and bought cheesecake from the cheesecake truck. It was exceptional cheesecake! Grandma had a special grilled cheese from the grilled cheese truck and Pap Pap had a gourmet hamburger. Then we couldn't leave without cupcakes from the cupcake truck. They were some of the best cupcakes that we have eaten. As we were getting ready to leave, Alexander saw a garbage truck and had to see it. I didn't get any pictures of him with it, but he got to see the garbage man, and the garbage man showed him how the truck worked. That was his favorite part of the whole trip. We had lots of fun and are going to look for more food truck events to attend.

We met The Great Gatsby.
Where should we eat?
Delicious cheesecake!
Yummy cupcakes!
So many choices!
Julia learned how to roll over today. It was so exciting. She isn't nearly as excited as we are because every time she rolls over, she doesn't understand why she ends up on her stomach. She hates being on her stomach.
This is what happens when you learn to roll over. Help! Mommy and Daddy to the rescue (after we take a picture)!
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