Sunday, September 30, 2012

8 Months Old

Julia turned 8 months old on September 24.  I can't believe how fast the time is going, yet it is hard to remember what it was like before she was born.  She is still growing super fast.  I think she weighs around 22 pounds and we estimated that she is around 26 inches tall.  We won't know for sure how big she is until Halloween, when she goes to the doctor again. 

She has the greatest personality.  She is always happy and loves to play with her brother.  She is a tough little girl too.  Alexander can get pretty rough with her and she never cries.  She just laughs and laughs when they are together.  It melts my heart.  I told her babysitter that she is a rough baby and she told me that that is the biggest understatement ever.  Julia isn't allowed to play with  the other baby because she is too rough.

She is starting to enjoy food more.  She loves baby cereal and yogurt.  We are still working to get her to enjoy the fruits and vegetables.  She hates jars of baby food.  She likes the homemade stuff better.  She still won't take milk from a bottle or a cup.  She will only eat from me, which means that she eats in the morning, before bed, and in the middle of the night.  We taught her how to drink from a straw a couple of weeks ago, so she drinks water in restaurants in a kid's cup.

She is on the move constantly.  She is crawling all over the house and getting into everything.  She also crawls somewhere, then immediately pulls up on whatever it is.  She really wants to walk, so I think she is going to walk early.

She also has 6 teeth now.  We started giving her some food that she can chew because she has so many teeth.

We really couldn't be luckier.  We have really great kids!

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