We started swimming lessons for Alexander 2 weeks ago. I decided that I can't take him to the pool this summer unless he has some swimming skills because it will be two hard with two children. We signed him up with Swim Kids because of the class sizes and the ability for him to level up as he mastered the skills. He had his first class 3 weeks ago and I couldn't be there for it. He did not enjoy it. He cried the whole time and didn't want to go back. Last week, when it was time for swimming to start, he almost started crying again. It broke my heart, but it really important for him to learn how to swim, so we made him stay. Wouldn't you know, as soon as he got in the water, he was smiling and doing all of the activities. He actually did them better than the other kids in his group.

He got promoted to level 2 at that class. We were so proud of him! He got to stand on the ladder at the end of class and ring the bell so that everyone in the pool could see him.
Then he got to pick a prize. He was so happy! We took him to get ice to celebrate. He couldn't wait to go back this week. The only skill that he had to master before moving up to level 3 was opening his eyes under the water, so he practiced in the bathtub last week. When he went to his lesson this week, he did everything that he needed to do and got promoted to level 3. I think that is pretty good to move up 2 levels in 3 weeks. We were really proud of him and he was proud of himself. Here are some pictures from swimming and from celebrating afterwards.

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